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A horror anthology set in summer and fall based around a camping theme.

All genres | YA (Young Adult), NA (New Adult) and A (Adult) | Launches on August 7th

Applications are CLOSED

'In the Neck of the Woods' is our first horror anthology featuring 16 short stories following a camping theme. Whether it be angsty teens on a summer vacation or a group of hiking adults, something ominous is afoot. Could it be a legend come to life, a rabid animal, or something out of this world?


This book has been a labour of love for Greykin Press and our writers, and we want the visuals on the inside of the book to reflect just how passionate we are about this project. That being said, formatting the book has been a little bit more challenging than we anticipated, so we're running a bit behind schedule. The expected delivery was originally in March, but with this setback and the time it'll take for the printers to print and bind the book for us, we're looking at delivery in late April instead. We're so sorry for this delay, but we assure you it'll 100% be worth the wait. 

Of course, we'll keep you updated with every future triumph, twist, and turn this project takes, we're still learning the ropes and we're still extremely thankful to you for your patience and for making this possible!

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